乘便 chéng biàn
chéng biàn
set phrase
at your convenience
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
, Subdomain:
, Concept:
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '乘便'; Guoyu '乘便'; Mathews 1931 '乘便', p. 52)
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- 1. China - Master Hanshan who Revived Caoqi 壹、中國 ■重振曹溪憨山大師 Buddhism Series 4 - Disciples 《佛教叢書4-弟子》 — count: 1
- Do Not Cower in the Face of Problems 面對問題,不要退縮 Hundred Sayings 5 - Never Make Any Returns 《往事百語5-永不退票》 — count: 1