慷慨激昂 kāngkǎi jīáng
kāngkǎi jīáng
set phrase
impassioned; vehement
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
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Notes: (CC-CEDICT '慷慨激昂')
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- My Old and Young Good Affinities 我的老幼善緣 Buddhist Affinities over a Century 1 - Life 1 《百年佛緣1-生活篇1》 — count: 1
- Remembering the Founding of the Monastery 開山記 A Life With Palms Joined 3 - The Causes and Conditions of One-Stroke Calligraphy 《合掌人生3-一筆字的因緣》 — count: 1
- My Affinity with Youth 我與青年的因緣 Buddhist Affinities over a Century 11 - Practicing the Buddha’s Way 1 《百年佛緣11-行佛篇1》 — count: 1
- My Ideas for Establishing a European Buddhist Center 我想建立歐洲佛教中心 Buddhist Affinities over a Century 10 - Places of Practice 2 《百年佛緣10-道場篇2》 — count: 1
- My New Buddhist Movement 我的新佛教運動 A Life With Palms Joined 3 - The Causes and Conditions of One-Stroke Calligraphy 《合掌人生3-一筆字的因緣》 — count: 1
- Places of the Dharma must be First 佛法所在,必為第一 Hundred Sayings 3 - A Win-Win Situation For All 《往事百語3-皆大歡喜》 — count: 1
- Hsing Yun Diary 38 - Lowering Your Head 星雲日記38~低下頭 低下頭(1995/12/1~1995/12/15) Hsing Yun Diary (1994/9-1996/12) 《星雲日記(1994/9~1996/12)》 — count: 1
- Chapter 2: Stages of Life - Reputation 卷二 生命的層次 ■信譽 Life's Ten Thousand Affairs 11 - Life's Possessions 《人間萬事11-生命的擁有》 — count: 1
- Chapter 1: Cultivation of Giving - Sages in the Human World 卷一 給的修行 ■人間聖賢 Life's Ten Thousand Affairs 12 - Being Aware of One's Frame of Mind 《人間萬事12-悟者的心境》 — count: 1
- Buddhist Truth 佛教的真諦 Humanistic Buddhism Series 7 - Dharma and Doctrine 《人間佛教系列7-佛法與義理》 — count: 1
- 慷慨激昂地 (慷慨激昂地) 慷慨激昂地說道 — Hundred Sayings 3 - A Win-Win Situation For All 《往事百語3-皆大歡喜》, Places of the Dharma must be First 佛法所在,必為第一 — count: 5