行情 hángqíng
market price; quotation of market price
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '行情'; Guoyu '行情' 1) -
social status
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: In the sense of 身价 (Guoyu '行情' 2)
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Market Price Indicators 行情表 Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 8 - Where do Blessings Come From? 《迷悟之間(八)福報哪裡來》 — count: 29
- Chapter 3: An Admonition for Conducting Oneself with Integrity - The American Type 卷三 處事箴言 ■美國人種 Life's Ten Thousand Affairs 11 - Life's Possessions 《人間萬事11-生命的擁有》 — count: 1
- Scroll 2: Managing the Mind - The Difference in Being Diligent 卷二 心的管理 用心不同 Hsing Yun Dharma Words 3 - Dwelling Peacefully in Body and Mind 《星雲法語3-身心的安住》 — count: 1
- I Can Tolerate this for a Lifetime 我就這樣忍了一生 Buddhist Affinities over a Century 2 - Life 2 《百年佛緣2-生活篇2》 — count: 1
- Chapter 2: The Language of Non-Contention - Following Blindly 卷二 無諍的語言 盲從 Life's Ten Thousand Affairs 7 - A Footprint with Every Step 《人間萬事7-一步一腳印》 — count: 1
- Hsing Yun Diary 39 - The Wisdom of Cultivating Merit when Busy: Using One as a Hundred 星雲日記39~忙中修福慧 以一當百(1996/1/16~1996/1/31) Hsing Yun Diary (1994/9-1996/12) 《星雲日記(1994/9~1996/12)》 — count: 1
- Chapter 2: Go Out There - Fame 卷二 走出去 名氣 Life's Ten Thousand Affairs 6 - Where are the Future Prospects? 《人間萬事6-前途在哪裡》 — count: 1
- Lecture 5: The Meaning of “Dan” 第五講‧單的意義 One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Language and Affairs 1: Monastery Administration 《僧事百講1-叢林制度》 — count: 1
- Gratuities 小 費 Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 10 - Management Trilogy 《迷悟之間(十)管理三部曲》 — count: 1
- Chapter 1: Natural Life - Going Shopping 卷一 大自然的生命 ■上街 Life's Ten Thousand Affairs 8 - The World's Energy 《人間萬事8-人間的能源》 — count: 1
- 行情看涨 (行情看漲) 自然會有行情看漲的一天 — Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 8 - Where do Blessings Come From? 《迷悟之間(八)福報哪裡來》, Market Price Indicators 行情表 — count: 3
- 股市行情 (股市行情) 股市有股市行情 — Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 8 - Where do Blessings Come From? 《迷悟之間(八)福報哪裡來》, Market Price Indicators 行情表 — count: 3
- 行情等 (行情等) 行情等 — One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Language and Affairs 1: Monastery Administration 《僧事百講1-叢林制度》, Lecture 10: Four Main Halls 第十講‧四大堂口 — count: 2
- 没有行情 (沒有行情) 如果太過沒有行情 — Life's Ten Thousand Affairs 4 - Another Kind of Art 《人間萬事4-另類的藝術》, Scroll 4: Cultivation of Habits - A Shop Notice 卷四 養成習慣 購物須知 — count: 2
- 知道行情 (知道行情) 知道行情 — Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 8 - Where do Blessings Come From? 《迷悟之間(八)福報哪裡來》, Market Price Indicators 行情表 — count: 2
- 要看行情 (要看行情) 也要看行情 — Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 8 - Where do Blessings Come From? 《迷悟之間(八)福報哪裡來》, Market Price Indicators 行情表 — count: 2
- 行情表 (行情錶) 行情表 — Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 8 - Where do Blessings Come From? 《迷悟之間(八)福報哪裡來》, Market Price Indicators 行情表 — count: 2
- 今天行情 (今天行情) 他整個心緒都在今天行情如何 — Treatises on Humanistic Buddhism 《人間佛教論文集》, The Study of Life in Buddhism 佛教的生活學 — count: 2