甲虫 (甲蟲) jiǎchóng
a beetle
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
, Subdomain: Zoology
, Concept: Insect 昆虫
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '甲蟲'; Guoyu '甲蟲'; Wikipedia '鞘翅目')
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Wealth is limited, prajñā is priceless - Part 24 [Lecture] 寶山有限般若無價分第二十四 【講話】 Lectures on the Diamond Sutra 《金剛經講話》 — count: 6
- 甲虫说 (甲蟲說) 指著兩隻正忙於搬運牛糞塊的甲蟲說 — Lectures on the Diamond Sutra 《金剛經講話》, Wealth is limited, prajñā is priceless - Part 24 [Lecture] 寶山有限般若無價分第二十四 【講話】 — count: 2