哑巴吃黄莲 (啞巴吃黃蓮) yǎba chī huáng lián
yǎba chī huáng lián
no choice but to suffer in silence
Domain: Proverb 谚语
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Notes: Also written 啞巴吃黃連|哑巴吃黄连/(often precedes 有苦说不出) (CC-CEDICT '啞巴吃黃蓮')
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- From Humorous Free and Easy Discussing Chan School Characters 從風趣灑脫談禪宗的人物 Humanistic Buddhism Series 9 - Study of the Chan and Pure Land Schools 《人間佛教系列9-禪學與淨土》 — count: 1
- Chapter 1: Don't be Lacking - Sage's Trap 卷一 不可缺 仙人跳 Life's Ten Thousand Affairs 7 - A Footprint with Every Step 《人間萬事7-一步一腳印》 — count: 1