纤尘不染 (纖塵不染) xiān chén bù rǎn
xiān chén bù rǎn
set phrase
untainted by even a small speck of dust; selfless and incorruptible
Domain: Idiom 成语
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Notes: Same as 一尘不染 (CC-CEDICT '一塵不染'; Guoyu '纖塵不染')
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- A Buddhist View of Knowing by Seeing 佛教對知見的看法 Humanistic Buddhism Series 7 - Dharma and Doctrine 《人間佛教系列7-佛法與義理》 — count: 1
- Writings on the Chan School and Pure Land - The Wisdom and Character of Chan 禪門淨土篇 禪的智慧風光 Humanistic Buddhism Quotations 《人間佛教語錄》 — count: 1
- Discussing Chan 談禪 Humanistic Buddhism Series 9 - Study of the Chan and Pure Land Schools 《人間佛教系列9-禪學與淨土》 — count: 1
- A Buddhist View of Heaven and Hell 從天堂到地獄 Humanistic Buddhism Series 2 - Life and Society 《人間佛教系列2-人生與社會》 — count: 1
- Joy will Fill the World 將歡喜布滿人間 Hundred Sayings 3 - A Win-Win Situation For All 《往事百語3-皆大歡喜》 — count: 1
- When We Seek the Dharma What Should We be Cognizant of? 我們求法應有的認識 Humanistic Buddhism Series 6 - Buddhist Studies and Seeking the Dharma 《人間佛教系列6-學佛與求法》 — count: 1
- Hsing Yun Diary 18 - Find Your Heart Again: Develop Broad and Good Affinity With Others 星雲日記18~把心找回來 廣結善緣(1992/8/16~1992/8/31) Hsing Yun Diary (1991/5-1992/12) 《星雲日記(1991/5~1992/12)》 — count: 1
- The View of Humanistic Buddhism Towards Some Problems - 3 A Buddhist View of Women (Speech in Taipei at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall) 人間佛教對一些問題的看法 第三篇 佛教的女性觀(講於臺北國父紀念館) Buddhism Series 10 - Humanistic Buddhism 《佛教叢書10-人間佛教》 — count: 1
- Hsing Yun Diary 18 - Find Your Heart Again: Reflection of Hsing Yun Diary 星雲日記18~把心找回來 「星雲日記」的回響 Hsing Yun Diary (1991/5-1992/12) 《星雲日記(1991/5~1992/12)》 — count: 1
- 8. Conversion of Family Members - 3. Interpersonal Relations 捌、佛化家庭篇 三、人際關係 Buddhism Series 7 - Organization and Ceremonies 《佛教叢書7-儀制》 — count: 1