Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus
Simplified |
Traditional |
Pinyin |
English |
阿富汗 |
196 |
- Afghanistan
- Afghanistan
阿含经 |
阿含經 |
196 |
Āgama; Agamas
阿里山 |
196 |
阿美族 |
196 |
Amis; Pangcah
阿弥陀经 |
阿彌陀經 |
196 |
- The Amitabha Sutra
- Amitabha Sutra; The Smaller Sutra on Amitāyus
阿姆斯特丹 |
196 |
阿难 |
阿難 |
196 |
- Ananda
- Ānanda; Ananda
安徽 |
196 |
安平 |
196 |
澳大利亚 |
澳大利亞 |
195 |
奧地利 |
奧地利 |
195 |
奥斯汀 |
奧斯汀 |
195 |
Austin or Austen (name) / Austin, Texas
澳洲 |
196 |
阿森 |
196 |
Assen, city in the Netherlands
柏 |
98 |
- cypress; cedar
- Berlin
- Bai
拜城 |
66 |
拜火教 |
98 |
柏克莱 |
柏克萊 |
98 |
白马寺 |
白馬寺 |
98 |
White Horse Temple
巴拉圭 |
98 |
巴黎 |
98 |
邦德 |
98 |
般若心经 |
般若心經 |
98 |
The Heart Sutra; The Prajñāpāramitā Heart Sutra
跋提 |
98 |
Bhadrika; Bhaddiya
跋陀罗 |
跋陀羅 |
98 |
Bhadrika; Bhaddiya
巴西 |
98 |
八月 |
98 |
- August; the Eighth Month
- eighth lunar month; kārttika
北方 |
98 |
The North
北岛 |
北島 |
98 |
Bei Dao
北港 |
98 |
Beigang; Peikang
北极 |
北極 |
98 |
north pole
北京 |
98 |
北京大学 |
北京大學 |
66 |
Peking University
毕达哥拉斯 |
畢達哥拉斯 |
98 |
比利时 |
比利時 |
98 |
冰岛 |
冰島 |
98 |
屏东 |
屏東 |
98 |
宾头卢 |
賓頭盧 |
98 |
Pindola; Tiger Subduing Arhat; Pindolabharadvaja
柏林 |
98 |
波斯匿王 |
66 |
King Prasenajit; Pasenadi
不二门 |
不二門 |
66 |
- Non-Duality Gate
- the Gate of Non-Duality
- Non-duality gate
蔡伦 |
蔡倫 |
99 |
Cai Lun
财神 |
財神 |
99 |
God of Wealth
曹洞宗 |
99 |
The Caodong School; Caodong sect; Caodong zong
长安 |
長安 |
67 |
- Chang'an
- Chang'an
- Chang'an reign
- Chang'an
朝天宫 |
朝天宮 |
99 |
Chaotian Temple
陈胜 |
陳勝 |
99 |
Chen Sheng
成唯识论 |
成唯識論 |
99 |
Vijñaptimātratāsiddhiśāstra; Cheng Weishi Lun
城隍爷 |
城隍爺 |
99 |
City God; Chenghuang
春夏秋冬 |
67 |
the four seasons
春节 |
春節 |
99 |
Spring Festival; Chinese New Year
春秋 |
99 |
- Spring and Autumn Period
- a person's age
- Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
- spring and autumn
春秋时代 |
春秋時代 |
99 |
Spring and Autumn Period
慈惠法师 |
慈惠法師 |
67 |
Venerable Tzu Hui
慈惠 |
67 |
Venerable Tzu Hui
慈容 |
99 |
Ci Rong
慈庄法师 |
慈莊法師 |
67 |
Venerable Tzu Chuang
慈航 |
99 |
- ferry of compassion
- Compassionate Ferry
- Tzu Hang; Cihang
- a way of saving someone
慈航法师 |
慈航法師 |
67 |
Venerable Ci Hang
大迦叶 |
大迦葉 |
100 |
Mahakasyapa; Mahākāśyapa; Mahākassapa; kasyapa
大雄宝殿 |
大雄寶殿 |
68 |
- Great Hero Shrine
- Main Shrine; Hall of the Great Heros; Mahavira Hall
大藏经 |
大藏經 |
100 |
Chinese Buddhist Canon; Dazangjing
大爱道 |
大愛道 |
100 |
- Maha-prajapti
- Maha-prajapti
大悲殿 |
68 |
- 1. Great Compassion Shrine; 2. Avalokitesvara Shrine
- Great Compassion Shrine; Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Shrine
大港 |
100 |
大湖 |
100 |
Dahu; Tahu
大环 |
大環 |
100 |
Tai Wan
傣族 |
68 |
Dai; Dhai
大甲 |
100 |
大觉寺 |
大覺寺 |
100 |
- Dajue Temple
- Dajue Temple
达拉斯 |
達拉斯 |
100 |
大里 |
100 |
Tali; Dali
丹麦 |
丹麥 |
100 |
道安 |
100 |
Dao An
道教 |
100 |
忉利天 |
100 |
Trayastrimsa Heaven; Tavatimsa; The Heaven of Thirty-Three Gods
大桥 |
大橋 |
100 |
Da Qiao
大乘佛教 |
100 |
- Mahayana Buddhism
- Mahayana Buddhism
大树乡 |
大樹鄉 |
100 |
大同 |
100 |
- Datong
- datong; Grand Unity
大西 |
100 |
大醒 |
100 |
大雅 |
100 |
Daya; Greater Odes
大阳 |
大陽 |
100 |
大足 |
100 |
德国 |
德國 |
100 |
德克萨斯州 |
德克薩斯州 |
100 |
state of Texas
德里 |
68 |
Delhi; New Delhi
地官 |
100 |
Office of Earth
殿主 |
100 |
- Director (of a shrine)
- Senior Verger; Shrine Warden
典籍 |
100 |
canonical text
定海 |
100 |
地球 |
100 |
地藏菩萨 |
地藏菩薩 |
100 |
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva
地藏王 |
68 |
- Ksitigarbha
- Ksitigarbha; the bodhisattva of the Great Vow
东晋 |
東晉 |
100 |
Eastern Jin Dynasty
东胜神洲 |
東勝神洲 |
100 |
Purvavideha; Pubbavideha
东正教 |
東正教 |
100 |
Eastern Orthodox Church
东初 |
東初 |
100 |
Dongchu; Shi Dongchu
东方 |
東方 |
100 |
The East; The Orient
东海 |
東海 |
100 |
- East China Sea
- Donghae
- Donghai [commandery]
东京 |
東京 |
68 |
- Tokyo
- Luoyang
- Dongjing Circuit
东山 |
東山 |
100 |
东山寺 |
東山寺 |
100 |
Dongshan Temple
东岳 |
東嶽 |
100 |
Mount Tai
敦煌 |
燉煌 |
100 |
敦煌石窟 |
100 |
Dunhuang caves in Gansu
多伦多 |
多倫多 |
68 |
多罗 |
多羅 |
100 |
俄罗斯 |
俄羅斯 |
195 |
阿弥陀佛 |
阿彌陀佛 |
196 |
- Amitabha Buddha
- Amitabha Buddha
- Amitabha Buddha; Amitābha Buddha
二百亿 |
二百億 |
195 |
二月 |
195 |
- February; the Second Month
- second lunar month; vaiśākha
法安 |
102 |
Fa An
法海 |
102 |
- Fa Hai
- Fa Hai
- Dharma sea
法华 |
法華 |
70 |
- Dharma Flower
- The Lotus Sutra
法华经 |
法華經 |
70 |
Lotus Sutra; Lotus Sūtra
法显 |
法顯 |
102 |
Faxian; Fa Hsien
法宝节 |
法寶節 |
70 |
- Dharma Day
- Dharma Day
法藏文库 |
法藏文庫 |
102 |
A Collection of Contemporary Buddhist Works: Chinese Buddhist Academic Series; Fazang Wenku
法常 |
102 |
Damei Fachang
法舫 |
102 |
Fa Fang
法国 |
法國 |
70 |
法华寺 |
法華寺 |
102 |
Fahua Temple
法兰克福 |
法蘭克福 |
102 |
法轮 |
法輪 |
102 |
- Dharma wheel
- Pomnyun
- Dharma wheel; dharmacakra
法门寺 |
法門寺 |
102 |
Famen Temple
范仲淹 |
70 |
Fan Zhongyan
放生池 |
70 |
- Life Releasing Pond
- Pond for Liberating Lives
- Life Releasing Pond
法身 |
70 |
- Dharma body
- Dharma Body
法身寺 |
70 |
- Dhammakaya Temple
- Wat Phra Dhammakaya
法王 |
102 |
- King of the Law; Dharma King
- Dharmaraja (Thailand)
- Dharma King
- Dharmaraja; Dharma King
菲律宾 |
菲律賓 |
102 |
非洲 |
102 |
非洲人 |
102 |
African (person)
封神榜 |
102 |
Investiture of the Gods
芬兰 |
芬蘭 |
102 |
佛光大辞典 |
佛光大辭典 |
102 |
Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism
佛光大藏经 |
佛光大藏經 |
70 |
- Fo Guang Buddhist Canon
- Fo Guang Buddhist Canon
佛光大学 |
佛光大學 |
70 |
- Fo Guang University (FGU)
- Fo Guang University
佛所行赞 |
佛所行讚 |
70 |
- Buddhacarita
- Buddhacarita
佛统 |
佛統 |
70 |
Nakhon Pathom
佛遗教经 |
佛遺教經 |
102 |
Sutra of Teachings Bequeathed by the Buddha; Fo Yijiao Jing
佛诞 |
佛誕 |
70 |
Buddha's Birthday; Vesak
佛诞节 |
佛誕節 |
102 |
Buddha's Birthday Celebration
佛法 |
102 |
- Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
- the power of the Buddha
- Buddha's Teaching
- Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
佛光会 |
佛光會 |
102 |
Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA)
佛光寺 |
102 |
Foguang Temple
佛教青年 |
102 |
Buddhist Youth
佛门 |
佛門 |
102 |
佛陀 |
102 |
Buddha; the all-enlightened one
福建 |
70 |
福建省 |
70 |
Fujian Province
富楼那 |
富樓那 |
102 |
Purna; Punna
辅仁大学 |
輔仁大學 |
102 |
Fu Jen Catholic University of Peking
阜阳 |
阜陽 |
102 |
福州 |
102 |
傅作义 |
傅作義 |
102 |
Fu Zuoyi
甘肃 |
甘肅 |
103 |
高山症 |
103 |
Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)
高希均 |
103 |
Charles Kao
高丽 |
高麗 |
71 |
Korean Goryeo Dynasty
高棉 |
71 |
高雄 |
71 |
Gaoxiong; Kaohsiung
高雄市 |
103 |
City of Gaoxiong; City of Kaohsiung
高雄县 |
高雄縣 |
103 |
Gaoxiong; Kaohsiung
歌利王 |
71 |
Rajah of Kalinga; King Kali; Kalirājā
格林童话 |
格林童話 |
103 |
Grimms' Fairy Tales
哥伦比亚大学 |
哥倫比亞大學 |
103 |
Columbia University
哥伦布 |
哥倫布 |
103 |
Cristóbal Colón or Christopher Columbus
共产党 |
共產黨 |
71 |
Communist Party
光明灯法会 |
光明燈法會 |
71 |
- Light Offering Dharma Service
- Light Offering Dharma Service
光山 |
103 |
- Guangshan
- Guangshan
广西 |
廣西 |
71 |
广州 |
廣州 |
71 |
观世音 |
觀世音 |
71 |
- Avalokitesvara
- Avalokitesvara; Avalokiteśvara; Guanyin
观世音菩萨 |
觀世音菩薩 |
71 |
Avalokiteśvara; Avalokitesvara; Guanyin
观世音菩萨普门品 |
觀世音菩薩普門品 |
71 |
- The Lotus Sutra’s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
- Universal Gate Sūtra
观世音菩萨普门品讲话 |
觀世音菩薩普門品講話 |
71 |
- The Universal Gate: A Commentary on Avalokitesvara's Universal Gate Sutra
- A Commentary on Avalokitesvara's Universal Gate Sutra
观音 |
觀音 |
103 |
- Guanyin [Bodhisattva]
- Avalokitesvara
- Avalokitesvara
观音菩萨 |
觀音菩薩 |
71 |
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
桂 |
103 |
- Guangxi
- cassia; cinnamon
- Gui
桂林 |
71 |
鬼子母 |
71 |
国共内战 |
國共內戰 |
71 |
Chinese Civil War
国军 |
國軍 |
103 |
National Revolutionary Army
国保 |
國保 |
103 |
Domestic Security Protection Bureau
过得 |
過得 |
103 |
How are you getting by?; How's life?; contraction of 過得去|过得去, can get by; tolerably well
国防部 |
國防部 |
103 |
Defense Department; Ministry of National Defense
国共 |
國共 |
103 |
Chinese Nationalist Party and Chinese Communist Party
国际佛光会 |
國際佛光會 |
103 |
Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA)
国际佛教促进会 |
國際佛教促進會 |
71 |
International Buddhist Progress Society
国民党 |
國民黨 |
71 |
Kuomintang; Nationalist Party; KMT
国民革命军 |
國民革命軍 |
103 |
National Revolutionary Army
哈佛 |
104 |
Harvard University
海城 |
104 |
海德 |
104 |
海印寺 |
104 |
汉 |
漢 |
104 |
- Han Chinese
- Han Dynasty
- Milky Way
- Later Han Dynasty
- a man; a chap
- Chinese language
- Han River
- Chinese; cīna
汉传佛教 |
漢傳佛教 |
72 |
Han Chinese Buddhism
含光 |
104 |
Han Guang
韩国 |
韓國 |
104 |
South Korea
杭州 |
72 |
憨山大师 |
憨山大師 |
72 |
Hanshan; Master Hanshan
郝柏村 |
72 |
Hau Pei-tsun
哈仙达岗 |
哈仙達崗 |
104 |
- Hacienda Heights
- Hacienda Heights
合掌人生 |
104 |
A Life of Joined Palms
荷兰 |
荷蘭 |
104 |
恒河 |
恆河 |
104 |
- Ganges River
- Ganges River
- Ganges River
河中 |
104 |
红场 |
紅場 |
104 |
Red Square
弘一大师 |
弘一大師 |
104 |
Hong Yi
华佗 |
華佗 |
104 |
Hua Tuo
怀素 |
懷素 |
72 |
Huai Su
花莲 |
花蓮 |
72 |
Hualian; Hualien
洹 |
104 |
Huan river
黄河 |
黃河 |
72 |
Yellow River
黄金海岸 |
黃金海岸 |
104 |
Gold Coast
黄浦江 |
黃浦江 |
104 |
Huangpu River
华盛顿 |
華盛頓 |
72 |
- Washington
- Washington D.C.
华夏 |
華夏 |
104 |
China; Cathay
华严 |
華嚴 |
72 |
Avataṃsaka Sūtra; Flower Garland Sutra; Flower Adornment Sutra
华严经 |
華嚴經 |
72 |
- Avatamsaka Sutra
- Avatamsaka Sutra; Avataṃsaka Sūtra; Flower Garland Sutra; Flower Adornment Sutra
华藏寺 |
華藏寺 |
104 |
Huazang Temple
惠能 |
72 |
Hui Neng
回教 |
104 |
户口 |
戶口 |
104 |
Hukou; registered residence
葫芦岛 |
葫蘆島 |
104 |
湖南 |
72 |
湖南省 |
72 |
活佛 |
104 |
Living Buddha
虎尾 |
104 |
加利福尼亚州 |
加利福尼亞州 |
106 |
State of California
伽利略 |
74 |
Galileo Galilei
监院 |
監院 |
106 |
- Superintendent (of a council)
- Prior; Temple Supervisor
加拿大 |
106 |
- Canada
- Canada
江 |
106 |
- a large river
- Yangtze River
- Jiang
- Jiangsu
- Jiang
蒋介石 |
蔣介石 |
74 |
Chiang Kai-shek
讲演集 |
講演集 |
106 |
Master Hsing Yun’s Lecture Series
江苏 |
江蘇 |
74 |
柬埔寨 |
106 |
尖山 |
74 |
- Jianshan
- Great Natuna; Natuna Besar
教观纲宗 |
教觀綱宗 |
106 |
Jiao Guan Gang Zong
焦山 |
106 |
焦山佛学院 |
焦山佛學院 |
106 |
- Jiaoshan Buddhist College
- Jiaoshan Buddhist College
教育部长 |
教育部長 |
106 |
Minister of Education; Director of Education Department
教宗 |
106 |
迦毘罗卫 |
迦毘羅衛 |
106 |
Kapilavastu; Kapilavatthu
伽耶迦叶 |
伽耶迦葉 |
106 |
嘉义 |
嘉義 |
106 |
迦旃延 |
106 |
Mahakatyayana; Katyayana
加州 |
106 |
基督 |
106 |
基督教 |
106 |
解放军 |
解放軍 |
106 |
People's Liberation Army (PLA)
极乐世界 |
極樂世界 |
106 |
- Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss
- Western Pure Land; Sukhāvatī
基隆 |
106 |
Chilung; Keelung
吉隆坡 |
106 |
Kuala Lumpur
金刚经 |
金剛經 |
74 |
- The Diamond Sutra
- Diamond Sutra
金刚座 |
金剛座 |
106 |
vajrasana; diamond throne
金陵 |
74 |
- Jinling; Nanjing
- Jinling; Nanjing
金门 |
金門 |
106 |
- Kinmen islands; Quemoy islands
- Jinmen
今日佛教 |
106 |
- Buddhism Today Magazine
- Buddhism Today
金沙 |
74 |
锦州 |
錦州 |
106 |
九山八海 |
106 |
Nine Mountains and Eight Seas
九月 |
106 |
- September; the Ninth Month
- ninth lunar month; mārga-śīrṣa
九寨沟 |
九寨溝 |
106 |
鸡足山 |
雞足山 |
106 |
Mount Gurupada
觉群 |
覺群 |
106 |
- Awaken the Masses Weekly
- Awaken the Masses Weekly
觉生 |
覺生 |
106 |
- Awakening Living Beings Magazine
- Awakening Living Beings Magazine
觉世 |
覺世 |
106 |
Awakening the World Periodical
觉世旬刊 |
覺世旬刊 |
106 |
Awakening the World
巨浪 |
106 |
均头 |
均頭 |
106 |
凯达格兰 |
凱達格蘭 |
107 |
开平 |
107 |
- Kaiping; Kemenfu; Kaipingfu
- Kaiping
客语 |
客語 |
75 |
Hakka dialect
孔子 |
75 |
魁北克 |
107 |
昆明 |
75 |
拉达克 |
拉達克 |
108 |
来安 |
來安 |
108 |
兰卡斯特 |
蘭卡斯特 |
108 |
兰克 |
蘭克 |
108 |
Rank (name) / Leopold von Ranke
蓝毘尼园 |
藍毘尼園 |
108 |
兰屿 |
蘭嶼 |
108 |
老残遊记 |
老殘遊記 |
108 |
- The Travels of Lao Tsan; The Travels of Old Decrepit
- The Travels of Old Decrepit
嫘 |
108 |
楞严经 |
楞嚴經 |
76 |
- Suramgama Sutra
- Śūraṅgama Sūtra; Shurangama Sutra
楞严咒 |
楞嚴咒 |
108 |
Leng Yan Mantra
李登辉 |
李登輝 |
76 |
Li Denghui
李恒 |
李恆 |
76 |
Li Heng; Emperor Muzong of Tang
梁 |
108 |
- a bridge
- Liang Dynasty
- City of Liang
- State of Liang
- Liang
- a beam; rafters
- a fishing sluice
- to lose footing
- State of Liang
- a ridge
- later Liang
粱皇宝忏 |
粱皇寶懺 |
108 |
- Emperor Liang Repentance Service
- Emperor Liang Repentance Service
联合国 |
聯合國 |
108 |
United Nations
立法院 |
108 |
Legislative Yuan
丽江 |
麗江 |
108 |
漓江 |
灕江 |
108 |
River Li
灵鹫山 |
靈鷲山 |
76 |
- Vulture Peak
- Ling Jiou Mountain
- Gṛdhrakūtaparvata; Grdhrakuta; Gṛdhrakūṭa; Gijjha-kūta; Vulture Peak
临济 |
臨濟 |
108 |
Linji School
临济宗 |
臨濟宗 |
108 |
Linji School; Linji zong
里斯本 |
108 |
刘安 |
76 |
- Liu An
- Liu An
刘保 |
劉保 |
76 |
Liu Bao; Emperor Shun of Han
刘备 |
劉備 |
76 |
Liu Bei
六朝 |
108 |
Six Dynasties
六和 |
108 |
Six Points of Reverent Harmony
六祖坛经 |
六祖壇經 |
108 |
Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch; Platform Sutra; Liuzu Tan Jing
六甲 |
108 |
琉球 |
76 |
- Ryūkyū Islands
- Taiwan
六月 |
108 |
- June; the Sixth Month
- sixth lunar month; bhādra
龙树菩萨 |
龍樹菩薩 |
76 |
- Nagarjuna
- Nāgārjuna
龙亭 |
龍亭 |
76 |
- Dragon Pavilion
- Dragon Pavilion
鲁 |
魯 |
108 |
- Shandong
- Lu
- foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
- the State of Lu
鲁班 |
魯班 |
76 |
Lu Ban
鹿母 |
108 |
伦敦 |
倫敦 |
76 |
伦敦大学 |
倫敦大學 |
108 |
University of London
洛 |
108 |
- Luo
- Luo River
- ra
罗东 |
羅東 |
108 |
Luodong; Lotong
罗浮宫 |
羅浮宮 |
108 |
The Louvre
罗睺罗 |
羅睺羅 |
108 |
洛杉矶 |
洛杉磯 |
108 |
- Los Angeles
- Los Angeles
洛阳 |
洛陽 |
76 |
卢舍那佛 |
盧舍那佛 |
108 |
Rocana Buddha
鹿野苑 |
76 |
- Deer Park
- Mṛgadāva; Deer Park
吕洞宾 |
呂洞賓 |
108 |
Lü Dongbin
吕蒙正 |
呂蒙正 |
76 |
Lu Mengzheng
绿岛 |
綠島 |
108 |
Lüdao; Lutao
马英九 |
馬英九 |
77 |
Ma Yingjiu
马来西亚 |
馬來西亞 |
109 |
曼城 |
109 |
马尼拉 |
馬尼拉 |
77 |
妈祖 |
媽祖 |
77 |
马祖 |
馬祖 |
109 |
- Mazu
- Mazu [deity]
- Mazu [Islands]
- Mazu
美的 |
109 |
Midea (brand)
美国 |
美國 |
109 |
United States
美国政府 |
美國政府 |
109 |
U.S. Government / U.S. Federal Government
美国人 |
美國人 |
77 |
an American
美浓 |
美濃 |
109 |
美洲 |
109 |
湄洲岛 |
湄洲島 |
109 |
Meizhou Island (Putian)
缅甸 |
緬甸 |
109 |
苗栗 |
109 |
弥勒佛 |
彌勒佛 |
77 |
- Maitreya
- Maitreya Buddha
弥勒菩萨 |
彌勒菩薩 |
109 |
Maitreya Bodhisattva
明成祖 |
77 |
Ming Chengzu; Emperor Yong Le
明代 |
77 |
Ming Dynasty
明尼苏达州 |
明尼蘇達州 |
109 |
明清 |
109 |
Ming and Qing dynasties
闽南 |
閩南 |
77 |
Minnan dialect; Southern Min dialect
莫高窟 |
77 |
Mogao Caves
莫斯科 |
109 |
穆罕默德 |
77 |
目犍连 |
目犍連 |
109 |
Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
南半球 |
78 |
Southern Hemisphere
南传 |
南傳 |
110 |
Theravāda Buddhism; South Asian Buddhism
南传佛教 |
南傳佛教 |
78 |
Theravāda Buddhism; South Asian Buddhism
南岛 |
南島 |
78 |
South Island
南美洲 |
78 |
South America
南天 |
110 |
Southern India
南天大学 |
南天大學 |
78 |
- Nan Tien Institute
- Nan Tien Institute
南瞻部洲 |
110 |
南非 |
110 |
South Africa
南华 |
南華 |
78 |
- South China
- Nanhua county
南华大学 |
南華大學 |
78 |
- Nanhua University
- Nanhua University
南华寺 |
南華寺 |
110 |
Nanhua Temple
南京 |
78 |
南天寺 |
110 |
Nan Tien Temple
那提迦叶 |
那提迦葉 |
110 |
内政部 |
內政部 |
110 |
Ministry of the Interior
内政部长 |
內政部長 |
110 |
Minister of the Interior
能忍 |
110 |
able to endure; sahā
念佛共修 |
78 |
- Amitabha Chanting Service
- Amitabha Chanting Service
涅槃 |
110 |
- Nirvana
- nirvana
- Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna
尼赫鲁 |
尼赫魯 |
110 |
尼连禅河 |
尼連禪河 |
110 |
Nairañjanā River; Nerañjarā; Nirañjarā; Nairanjana
尼斯 |
110 |
Nice (city in France)
牛津 |
110 |
牛年 |
110 |
Year of the Ox or Bull
纽西兰 |
紐西蘭 |
78 |
New Zealand
纽约 |
紐約 |
110 |
New York
农业部 |
農業部 |
78 |
Department of Agriculture
欧文 |
歐文 |
197 |
Owen; Erwin; Irvine
欧洲 |
歐洲 |
197 |
欧洲共同市场 |
歐洲共同市場 |
197 |
European common market (old term for EU, European Union)
欧洲人 |
歐洲人 |
197 |
European (person)
潘维刚 |
潘維剛 |
112 |
Tina Pan
庞贝 |
龐貝 |
112 |
澎湖 |
80 |
Penghu county; Pescadores Islands
毘卢遮那佛 |
毘盧遮那佛 |
112 |
Vairocana Buddha
平川彰 |
112 |
Akira Hirakawa
频婆娑罗王 |
頻婆娑羅王 |
112 |
King Bimbisara
毘舍佉 |
112 |
- Viśākhā
- Viśākhā [constellation]
婆罗浮屠 |
婆羅浮屠 |
112 |
婆罗门 |
婆羅門 |
112 |
- Brahmin;
- Brahmin; Brahman
婆罗洲 |
婆羅洲 |
112 |
Borneo island
普门 |
普門 |
80 |
- Universal Gate
- Universal Gate; Samantamukha
蒲甘 |
112 |
普门品 |
普門品 |
112 |
- Universal Gate Chapter
- Universal Gate Sutra
菩萨道 |
菩薩道 |
112 |
- Bodhisattva Path
- Bodhisattva Path
葡萄牙 |
112 |
莆田 |
112 |
菩提伽耶 |
112 |
Bodh Gaya; Bodhgayā
普陀山 |
80 |
- Mount Putuo; Putuoshan
- Mount Putuo
普贤 |
普賢 |
112 |
七侠五义 |
七俠五義 |
113 |
Seven Chivalrous Knights
千手观音 |
千手觀音 |
113 |
- Thousand-Hand Guanyin
- Thousand-Hand Guanyin; Thousand-Hand Avalokiteśvara
钱塘江 |
錢塘江 |
81 |
Qiantang River
清朝 |
81 |
Qing Dynasty
青年会 |
青年會 |
113 |
旗山 |
113 |
只树给孤独园 |
祇樹給孤獨園 |
113 |
Anāthapiṇḍada’s park at Jetavana
栖霞山 |
棲霞山 |
81 |
Qixia Shan
七叶窟 |
七葉窟 |
81 |
Saptaparni Cave
祇园精舍 |
祇園精舍 |
113 |
Jetavana; Jetta Grove; Jetta Grove Vihara
七月 |
113 |
- July; the Seventh Month
- seventh lunar month; āśvayuja
人间福报 |
人間福報 |
114 |
Merit Times
仁王护国经 |
仁王護國經 |
114 |
Renwang Jing; Scripture for Humane Kings
仁波切 |
114 |
仁和 |
114 |
人间佛教 |
人間佛教 |
82 |
- Humanistic Buddhism
- Humanistic Buddhism
人民政府 |
114 |
people's government
日本 |
114 |
日本佛教 |
82 |
Japanese Buddhism
日内瓦 |
日內瓦 |
114 |
日文 |
82 |
Japanese language
日月潭 |
114 |
Sun Moon Lake
如观 |
如觀 |
82 |
Ru Guan
儒林外史 |
114 |
- The Scholars
- The Scholars
瑞典 |
114 |
瑞士 |
114 |
如来 |
如來 |
114 |
- Tathagata
- Tathagata
- Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
如来殿 |
如來殿 |
82 |
- Tathagata Building
- Tathagata Shrine
若望 |
114 |
John / Saint John
三宝颂 |
三寶頌 |
115 |
Ode to the Triple Gem
三法印 |
115 |
Three Dharma Seals
三公 |
115 |
Three Ducal Ministers; Three Excellencies
三国演义 |
三國演義 |
115 |
Romance of Three Kingdoms
三峡 |
三峽 |
115 |
Three Gorges
三藏 |
115 |
- San Zang
- Buddhist Canon
- Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
三宝太监 |
三寶太監 |
115 |
Sanbao Eunuch
三台 |
115 |
三月 |
115 |
- March; the Third Month
- three months
- third lunar month; jyeṣṭa
僧宝节 |
僧寶節 |
83 |
- Sangha Day
- Sangha Day
僧伽 |
115 |
- sangha
- Samgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
善导 |
善導 |
83 |
Shan Dao
上都 |
115 |
Shangdu; Xanadu; Shangtu; Chandu; Xandu; Kemenfu; Kaipingfu
上海 |
83 |
上海市 |
83 |
Shanghai Municipality
善觉 |
善覺 |
115 |
Well-Awakened; Buddhija
山上 |
115 |
山下 |
115 |
Yamashita (Japanese surname)
绍兴 |
紹興 |
115 |
舍利弗 |
115 |
Sariputra; Sariputta
神农 |
神農 |
83 |
Emperor Shen Nong
神道教 |
115 |
圣彼得堡 |
聖彼得堡 |
83 |
Saint Petersburg
胜鬘经 |
勝鬘經 |
115 |
Srimala Sutra; Śrīmālādevī Siṃhanāda Sūtra; Sutra on the Lion’s Roar of Srimala
圣母 |
聖母 |
83 |
- Holy Mother; goddess; the Virgin Mary
- Sacred Mother
圣保罗 |
聖保羅 |
115 |
St Paul; São Paulo
胜鬘 |
勝鬘 |
83 |
胜鬘夫人 |
勝鬘夫人 |
115 |
舍身饲虎 |
捨身飼虎 |
115 |
Prince Mahasattva Jataka
释氏 |
釋氏 |
115 |
Sakya clan
史瓦济兰 |
史瓦濟蘭 |
115 |
史丹佛 |
115 |
十二月 |
115 |
- December; the Twelfth Month
- twelfth lunar month; phālguna
释迦 |
釋迦 |
115 |
释迦谱 |
釋迦譜 |
83 |
- Genealogy of the Sakya Clan
- Genealogy of the Sakya Clan
释迦如来 |
釋迦如來 |
115 |
Sakyamuni Buddha
释迦牟尼佛 |
釋迦牟尼佛 |
115 |
Sakyamuni Buddha; Śākyamuni Buddha
释迦牟尼佛传 |
釋迦牟尼佛傳 |
115 |
- The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha
- The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha
十一月 |
115 |
- November; the Eleventh Month
- eleventh lunar month; māgha
十月 |
115 |
- October; the Tenth Month
- tenth lunar month; pauṣa
寿山 |
壽山 |
115 |
寿山寺 |
壽山寺 |
115 |
Shoushan Temple
首座 |
115 |
- chief
- Shouzuo; Rector; Chief Seat
水浒传 |
水滸傳 |
83 |
- Water Margin; Outlaws of the Marsh
- The Water Margin
水陆法会 |
水陸法會 |
83 |
Water and Land Service
水野弘元 |
115 |
Kōgen Mizuno
鼠年 |
115 |
Year of the Rat
数人 |
數人 |
115 |
丝路 |
絲路 |
83 |
the Silk Road
四十二章经 |
四十二章經 |
83 |
The Sūtra of Forty-Two Sections
司水 |
115 |
Water Bearer
四洲 |
115 |
Four Continents
四川 |
115 |
斯德哥尔摩 |
斯德哥爾摩 |
83 |
司法部长 |
司法部長 |
83 |
Attorney General
四分 |
115 |
four divisions of cognition
四教仪 |
四教儀 |
115 |
Tiantai Si Jiao Yi; Outline of the Tiantai Fourfold Teachings
斯里兰卡 |
斯里蘭卡 |
115 |
Sri Lanka
司马 |
司馬 |
115 |
- Minister of War
- Sima [star]
- Sima [surname]
- Aide to Commander; Leader of Cavalry
四月 |
115 |
- April; the Fourth Month
- fourth lunar month; āṣāḍha
宋 |
115 |
- Song dynasty
- Song
- Liu Song Dynasty
宋朝 |
83 |
Song Dynasty
宋代 |
83 |
- Song Dynasty
- Liu Song Dynasty
宋美龄 |
宋美齡 |
115 |
Soong Mei-ling
宋太宗 |
83 |
Emperor Taizong of Song
松广寺 |
松廣寺 |
115 |
苏格拉底 |
蘇格拉底 |
115 |
隋唐演义 |
隋唐演義 |
115 |
Romance of the Sui and Tang
苏黎世 |
蘇黎世 |
115 |
孙膑 |
孫臏 |
83 |
Sun Bin; Sun Boling
孙立人 |
孫立人 |
115 |
Sun Li-jen
太守 |
116 |
台北 |
臺北 |
84 |
台大 |
臺大 |
116 |
National Taiwan University
台东 |
台東 |
116 |
Taidong; Taitung
泰国 |
泰國 |
116 |
台南 |
臺南 |
84 |
台南县 |
臺南縣 |
116 |
- Tainan county
- Tainan county
台湾 |
台灣 |
84 |
台湾大学 |
台灣大學 |
84 |
University of Taiwan
台湾佛教 |
台灣佛教 |
116 |
- Buddhism Taiwan
- Taiwanese Buddhism
- Buddhism in Taiwan
太虚大师 |
太虛大師 |
84 |
Venerable Master Taixu
太阳系 |
太陽系 |
84 |
Solar System
台语 |
台語 |
116 |
Taiwanese; Hokklo
台中 |
臺中 |
84 |
Taizhong; Taichung
唐代 |
84 |
Tang Dynasty
堂主 |
116 |
- Director (of SR, meditation hall)
- Yan Shou Hall Chief; Hospice Chief
唐人街 |
84 |
天河 |
116 |
Milky Way
天妃 |
116 |
天台 |
116 |
Tiantai; T'ien-tai
天台智者 |
84 |
Sage of Tiantai
天下文化 |
116 |
Commonwealth Publishing Co., Ltd
天主教 |
116 |
the Catholic church; Catholicism
提婆达多 |
提婆達多 |
116 |
通度寺 |
116 |
土耳其 |
116 |
土地公 |
116 |
Tudi Gong
万佛殿 |
萬佛殿 |
87 |
Ten-Thousand-Buddhas Shrine
万里长城 |
萬里長城 |
87 |
the Great Wall
王安石 |
119 |
Wang Anshi
汪精卫 |
汪精衛 |
87 |
Wang Jingwei
伟大的佛陀 |
偉大的佛陀 |
119 |
Buddhism in Every Step: The Great Buddha
维摩经 |
維摩經 |
87 |
Vimalakirti Sutra; Vimalakīrti Sūtra; Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa Sūtra
韦驮菩萨 |
韋馱菩薩 |
119 |
维摩 |
維摩 |
87 |
- Vimalakirti
- Vimalakirti
威尼斯 |
87 |
维特 |
維特 |
119 |
韦提希夫人 |
韋提希夫人 |
119 |
维也纳 |
維也納 |
119 |
文昌 |
119 |
温哥华 |
溫哥華 |
87 |
文化大革命 |
87 |
- Cultural Revolution
- Cultural Revolution
瘟神 |
119 |
文殊 |
87 |
- Manjusri
- Manjusri
文殊菩萨 |
文殊菩薩 |
119 |
Manjusri Bodhisattva
卧龙岗 |
臥龍崗 |
119 |
吴 |
吳 |
119 |
- Wu
- Jiangsu
- Wu
- Wu dialect
- Eastern Wu
- to speak loudly
吴伯雄 |
吳伯雄 |
119 |
Wu Po-hsiung
吴道子 |
吳道子 |
87 |
Wu Dao Zi
无声息的歌唱 |
無聲息的歌唱 |
119 |
Bells, Gongs, and Wooden Fish
无忧 |
無憂 |
119 |
- did not worry
- Carefree
- without sorrow
- Aśoka; Asoka; Ashoka
- no sorrow
武昌佛学院 |
武昌佛學院 |
119 |
Wuchang Buddhist Academy; Wuchang Buddhist Seminary
吴哥窟 |
吳哥窟 |
87 |
Angkor Wat
乌克兰 |
烏克蘭 |
119 |
五月 |
119 |
May; the Fifth Month
西伯利亚 |
西伯利亞 |
120 |
西湖 |
88 |
West Lake
西遊记 |
西遊記 |
88 |
Journey to the West
西安 |
88 |
咸丰 |
咸豐 |
120 |
Xian Feng
像法 |
120 |
Age of Semblance Dharma; Saddharmapratirūpaka; Period of Semblance Dharma
香港 |
120 |
Hong Kong
香港大学 |
香港大學 |
120 |
the University of Hong Kong
小琉球 |
120 |
Lamay Island; Little Liuqiu; Liuqiu Island; Xiaoliuqiu; Golden Lion Island
夏威夷 |
120 |
Hawaii, US state
西半球 |
120 |
Western Hemisphere
西班牙 |
120 |
西本愿寺 |
西本願寺 |
120 |
Nishi Hongan-ji
谢长廷 |
謝長廷 |
120 |
Frank Chang-ting Hsieh
西方 |
120 |
- the West
- west side
- the Western [Pureland]
- Xifang
- West
西方极乐世界 |
西方極樂世界 |
120 |
Western Pure Land; Sukhavati
西贡 |
西貢 |
120 |
- Saigon
- Sai Kung
希腊 |
希臘 |
120 |
西来庵 |
西來庵 |
120 |
Hsilai Temple
西来大学 |
西來大學 |
88 |
- University of the West (formerly Hsi Lai University)
- University of the West
西来寺 |
西來寺 |
120 |
Hsilai Temple
新年 |
88 |
New Year
新大陆 |
新大陸 |
120 |
the New World; the Americas
星云 |
星雲 |
120 |
Hsing Yun; Venerable Master Hsing Yun
星云禅话 |
星雲禪話 |
120 |
Hsing Yun's Chan Stories
星云大师的一生 |
星雲大師的一生 |
120 |
Buddhism in Every Step: The Life of Master Hsing Yun
星云大师 |
星雲大師 |
88 |
Venerable Master Hsing Yun
星云说偈 |
星雲說偈 |
120 |
Cloud and Water: An Interpretation of Chan Poems
星云法语 |
星雲法語 |
120 |
- Hsing Yun Dharma Words
- Hsing Yun’s Dharma Words
行政院 |
120 |
Executive Yuan
新加坡 |
120 |
新加坡国立大学 |
新加坡國立大學 |
120 |
National University of Singapore
新台币 |
新台幣 |
120 |
New Taiwan dollar
新兴区 |
新興區 |
120 |
Xinxing district
新竹 |
120 |
Xinzhu; Hsinchu
西双版纳 |
西雙版納 |
88 |
休士顿 |
休士頓 |
120 |
Houston, Texas
栖霞 |
棲霞 |
88 |
西洋 |
120 |
- the West
- countries of the Indian Ocean
徐 |
120 |
- xu
- slowly; gently
- Xu
- Xuzhou
- slowly; mandam
玄奘 |
120 |
- Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
- Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
须达长者 |
須達長者 |
88 |
Elder Sudatta
学道 |
學道 |
120 |
- examiner
- Learning the Way
须弥山 |
須彌山 |
88 |
- Mount Sumeru
- Mount Sumeru; Mount Meru
须菩提 |
須菩提 |
120 |
- Subhuti
- Subhuti; Subhūti
雅典 |
89 |
亚马逊河 |
亞馬遜河 |
121 |
Amazon River
焰口 |
121 |
Flaming Mouth
盐埕区 |
鹽埕區 |
121 |
Yancheng district
阎浮提 |
閻浮提 |
121 |
Jambudvipa; the Terrestrial World
阳朔 |
陽朔 |
121 |
扬州 |
揚州 |
89 |
阎罗 |
閻羅 |
121 |
Yama; Yamaraja
药师 |
藥師 |
89 |
- Healing Master
- Medicine Buddha
药师法会 |
藥師法會 |
89 |
Medicine Buddha Dharma Service
药师佛 |
藥師佛 |
121 |
- Medicine Buddha
- Medicine Buddha
亚洲 |
亞洲 |
121 |
耶教 |
121 |
耶鲁 |
耶魯 |
121 |
耶鲁大学 |
耶魯大學 |
121 |
Yale University
耶舍 |
121 |
耶输陀罗 |
耶輸陀羅 |
121 |
耶稣基督 |
耶穌基督 |
121 |
Jesus Christ
一笔字 |
一筆字 |
121 |
One-Stroke Calligraphy
义大利 |
義大利 |
121 |
一贯道 |
一貫道 |
121 |
一九 |
121 |
宜兰 |
宜蘭 |
89 |
伊朗 |
121 |
- Iran
- Iran
印度 |
121 |
印度佛教 |
89 |
Indian Buddhism
印度人 |
89 |
莺歌 |
鶯歌 |
121 |
Yingge; Yingko
英国 |
英國 |
89 |
印光大师 |
印光大師 |
121 |
Venerable Master Yingguang
银河系 |
銀河系 |
121 |
Milky Way Galaxy
印尼 |
121 |
印顺法师 |
印順法師 |
121 |
Yin Shun
宜兴 |
宜興 |
121 |
永乐 |
永樂 |
89 |
Emperor Yong Le
雍正 |
89 |
Emperor Yong Zheng
有巢氏 |
89 |
You Chao Shi
有了 |
121 |
I've got a solution!; to have a bun in the oven
优楼频螺迦叶 |
優樓頻螺迦葉 |
121 |
优婆离 |
優婆離 |
89 |
Upali; Upāli
玉龙雪山 |
玉龍雪山 |
121 |
Mt Yulong; Jade dragon
元朝 |
121 |
Yuan Dynasty
元代 |
121 |
Yuan Dynasty
岳飞 |
岳飛 |
89 |
Yue Fei
越战 |
越戰 |
89 |
Vietnam War
约翰 |
約翰 |
89 |
John; Johan; Johann
越南 |
121 |
玉佛寺 |
89 |
- Yufo Temple
- Wat Phra Kaeo
玉皇大帝 |
121 |
Jade Emperor
玉琳国师 |
玉琳國師 |
89 |
- National Master Yu Lin
- National Master Yulin
云和 |
雲和 |
121 |
云林 |
雲林 |
121 |
云林县 |
雲林縣 |
121 |
Yunlin county
云南 |
雲南 |
121 |
云南省 |
雲南省 |
121 |
雨舍大臣 |
121 |
Vassakāra; Varṣākāra
玉耶女 |
121 |
杂阿含经 |
雜阿含經 |
122 |
Connected Discourses; Saṃyukta Āgama; Samyukta Agama
藏经楼 |
藏經樓 |
90 |
- Sutra Repository
- Sutra Repository
灶王爷 |
灶王爺 |
122 |
Zaoshen, the god of the kitchen
张翥 |
張翥 |
122 |
Zhang Zhu
张大千 |
張大千 |
122 |
Chang Dai-chien or Zhang Daqian
彰化县 |
彰化縣 |
122 |
Zhanghua county; Changhua county
张家界 |
張家界 |
122 |
长江三峡 |
長江三峽 |
122 |
Three Gorges; Yangtze Gorges
张艺谋 |
張藝謀 |
122 |
Zhang Yimou
旃陀罗 |
旃陀羅 |
122 |
Chandala; caṇḍāla [untouchable caste]
赵朴初 |
趙樸初 |
90 |
Zhao Puchu
赵朴老 |
趙樸老 |
122 |
Zhao Pulao; Zhao Puchu
赵玄坛 |
趙玄壇 |
122 |
Zhao Xuantan
赵州 |
趙州 |
122 |
- Zhouzhou
- Zhouzhou; Zhouzhou Congshen
浙江 |
90 |
- Zhejiang
- Zhe River; Qiantang River
郑成功 |
鄭成功 |
90 |
Koxinga; Zheng Chenggong
郑和 |
鄭和 |
90 |
Zheng He
正应 |
正應 |
122 |
正月 |
122 |
- first month of the lunar calendar
- first lunar month; caitra
郑州 |
鄭州 |
90 |
知客 |
122 |
- receptionist
- Guest Prefect
至大 |
90 |
Zhida reign
芷江 |
122 |
Zhijiang Dong autonomous
智利 |
122 |
指鬘 |
122 |
祇陀太子 |
122 |
Prince Jeta
智者大师 |
智者大師 |
122 |
Venerable Master Zhi Yi
中日战争 |
中日戰爭 |
90 |
Second Sino-Japanese War; War of Resistance against Japan
中说 |
中說 |
122 |
Zhong Shuo
中原 |
122 |
the Central Plains of China
塚本善隆 |
122 |
Tsukamoto Zenryū
中村元 |
122 |
Hajime Nakamura
中国大陆 |
中國大陸 |
90 |
Chinese mainland
中国电视公司 |
中國電視公司 |
122 |
China TV (CTV)
中国佛教协会 |
中國佛教協會 |
122 |
- Chinese Buddhist Association; The Buddhist Academy of China
- Buddhist Association of China
中国佛教会 |
中國佛教會 |
122 |
Buddhist Association of the Republic of China
中国石油 |
中國石油 |
122 |
China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) / PetroChina
中华电视 |
中華電視 |
122 |
China TV (CTS)
中坜 |
中壢 |
122 |
Zhongli; Chungli
中山 |
122 |
- Dr Sun Yat-sen; Zhongshan, prefecture-level city in Guangdong, close to Sun Yat-sen's birthplace; Nakayama (Japanese surname)
- Zhongshan
- Nakayama
中山大学 |
中山大學 |
122 |
Sun Yat-sen University / Zhongshan University
中天 |
122 |
Central North India
周六 |
週六 |
90 |
周日 |
週日 |
90 |
竹林精舍 |
90 |
Veṇuvana Vihāra; Veḷuvana Vihāra
转轮圣王 |
轉輪聖王 |
90 |
Chakravarti raja; an emperor in Hindu mythology
竹溪 |
122 |
煮云 |
煮雲 |
122 |
Zhu Yun
紫禁城 |
122 |
The Forbidden City; the Imperial Palace
自由民主党 |
自由民主黨 |
122 |
Liberal Democratic Party
左营 |
左營 |
122 |
Zuoying; Tsoying
Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of
terms: 572.
Simplified |
Traditional |
Pinyin |
English |
爱欲 |
愛欲 |
195 |
love and desire; sensuality; kāma
安板 |
196 |
signal for lights out
安单 |
安單 |
196 |
- To Settle at a Monastery
- to settle at a monastery
安乐富有 |
安樂富有 |
196 |
Comfort and Wealthy
菴摩罗果 |
菴摩羅果 |
196 |
mango; āmra
安坐 |
196 |
steady meditation
八正道 |
98 |
Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
八宗 |
98 |
eight sects
拜忏 |
拜懺 |
98 |
to pray on behalf of others
八敬法 |
98 |
eight precepts of respect
办道 |
辦道 |
98 |
to carry out spiritual practice
半座 |
98 |
half of a seat; make room for someone on one's own seat
报身 |
報身 |
98 |
sambhogakaya; enjoyment body; reward body
北传佛教 |
北傳佛教 |
98 |
northern transmission of Buddhism; Northern Buddhism
悲智愿行 |
悲智願行 |
98 |
Compassion, Wisdom, Vow, and Practice
悲心 |
98 |
- a sympathetic mind
- Merciful Heart
悲愿 |
悲願 |
98 |
- Compassionate Vow
- the great compassionate vow
本山 |
98 |
- main temple; home temple
- this temple
本尊 |
98 |
istadevata; ishta-deva; ishta-devata; a tutelary deity; a meditation deity; yi dam
本寺 |
98 |
main temple; home temple; this temple
本愿 |
本願 |
98 |
prior vow; purvapranidhana
遍参 |
遍參 |
98 |
travel and study
般若 |
98 |
- Prajna Wisdom
- prajna
- Prajñā
- prajna; prajñā; paññā; great wisdom
般若波罗蜜 |
般若波羅蜜 |
98 |
- Prajñāpāramitā; Prajnaparamita; Perfection of Wisdom
- Prajñāpāramitā
不二法门 |
不二法門 |
98 |
- The Dharma Gate of Non-Duality
- the Gate of Non-Duality
- Non-Duality; the dharma-gate of non-duality
不共财往来 |
不共財往來 |
98 |
do not lend or borrow money from each other
布教 |
98 |
- to propagate teachings
- propagation
不轻 |
不輕 |
98 |
never disparage
不染污僧伦 |
不染污僧倫 |
98 |
do not corrupt the monastic order
不私建道场 |
不私建道場 |
98 |
do not establish your own temples
不私蓄金钱 |
不私蓄金錢 |
98 |
do not accumulate money for yourself
不私造饮食 |
不私造飲食 |
98 |
do not make your own food or drink alone
不私置产业 |
不私置產業 |
98 |
do not deal in personal property
不私自请讬 |
不私自請託 |
98 |
do not solicit donations for yourself
不违期剃染 |
不違期剃染 |
98 |
- do not miss shaving the head at the appropriate time
- do not miss shaving the head at the appropriate time
不夜宿俗家 |
98 |
do not stay overnight in the house of a layperson
不动地 |
不動地 |
98 |
the ground of attaining calm
布施 |
98 |
- generosity
- dana; giving; generosity
不私交信者 |
98 |
do not keep your own devotees
参学 |
參學 |
99 |
- travel and learn
- to be a visiting monastic; to study
禅净 |
禪淨 |
99 |
Chan and Pure Land Buddhism
禅净共修 |
禪淨共修 |
99 |
Combined Practice of Chan and Pureland
禅门 |
禪門 |
67 |
- Chan Monastery
- meditative practice
- Chan school
禅堂 |
禪堂 |
99 |
- a Chan monastic dormitory
- a Buddhist temple with no monastics
- Meditation Hall
- meditation hall
禅心 |
禪心 |
99 |
Chan mind
刹那 |
剎那 |
99 |
- ksana
- kṣaṇa; an instant
禅定 |
禪定 |
99 |
- meditative concentration
- meditative concentration; meditation
- to meditate
长养 |
長養 |
99 |
- to nurture
- fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha
常住 |
99 |
- monastery
- Permanence
- a long-term resident at a monastery
- permanence; eternalism; śāśvata; nitya-sthita
朝山会馆 |
朝山會館 |
99 |
Pilgrim's Lodge
朝山团 |
朝山團 |
99 |
朝元寺 |
99 |
Chao Yuan Temple
成道 |
99 |
awakening; to become enlightened; to become a Buddha
成佛 |
99 |
- Attaining Buddhahood
- to become a Buddha
称念 |
稱念 |
99 |
- to chant the name of the Buddha
- chant Buddha's name
成住坏空 |
成住壞空 |
99 |
formation, existence, disintegration, and emptiness; four kalpas
嚫钱 |
嚫錢 |
99 |
a gift; a donation
瞋心 |
99 |
- anger; a heart of anger
- Anger
持戒 |
99 |
- to uphold precepts
- morality; to uphold precepts
初发心 |
初發心 |
99 |
initial determination
传法 |
傳法 |
99 |
- Dharma transmission
- to transmit the Dharma
传戒 |
傳戒 |
99 |
- to initiate a novice
- Conferral of Precepts
垂慈 |
99 |
extended compassion
初机 |
初機 |
99 |
a beginner
出家众 |
出家眾 |
99 |
Saṅgha; Saṃgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
春来福到 |
春來福到 |
99 |
Spring Heralds Prosperity
出坡 |
99 |
- Chorework
- labor; communal labor; labor practice
慈悲喜舍 |
慈悲喜捨 |
99 |
- loving kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity
- Loving Kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity
慈悲心 |
99 |
慈眼 |
99 |
Compassionate Eyes
慈心 |
99 |
compassion; a compassionate mind
存好心 |
99 |
- think good thoughts
- keep good thoughts
大阿罗汉 |
大阿羅漢 |
100 |
great Arhat
大比丘 |
100 |
a great monastic; a great bhikṣu
大慈 |
100 |
great great compassion; mahākāruṇika
大慈大悲 |
100 |
- great compassion and great loving-kindness
- great mercy and great compassion
打佛七 |
100 |
Seven-Day Amitabha Retreat
大礼堂 |
大禮堂 |
100 |
Devotees Auditorium
大菩萨 |
大菩薩 |
100 |
- great Bodhisattva
- a great bodhisattva
大千 |
100 |
trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
大千世界 |
100 |
trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
大磬 |
100 |
Big Gong
大愿 |
大願 |
100 |
a great vow
大专佛学夏令营 |
大專佛學夏令營 |
100 |
College Buddhist Youth Summer Camp
大悲 |
100 |
mahākaruṇā; great compassion
大塔 |
100 |
- great stupa
- Mahabodhi temple
- daitō
大我 |
100 |
the collective; the whole; the greater self
得道 |
100 |
to attain enlightenment
得度 |
100 |
- to attain salvation
- to attain enlightenment
得佛 |
100 |
to become a Buddha
等慈 |
100 |
Universal Compassion
地球人 |
100 |
A World Citizen
地上 |
100 |
above the ground
顶礼膜拜 |
頂禮膜拜 |
100 |
bowing in a kneeling position with head touching the ground
入定 |
100 |
- to enter into meditation
- entered into meditation; settled; composed; collected of mind
度化 |
100 |
度众 |
度眾 |
100 |
Deliver Sentient Beings
短期出家修道会 |
短期出家修道會 |
100 |
Short-Term Monastic Retreat
独存 |
獨存 |
100 |
isolation; kaivalya
度生 |
100 |
to save beings
恶念 |
惡念 |
195 |
evil intentions
法教 |
102 |
- Buddhism; Buddhadharma; the teaching of the Dharma
- teaching
发戒 |
發戒 |
102 |
to bestow the precepts
法界一如 |
102 |
Dharma Realm as One
法乳 |
102 |
- the milk of the Dharma
- the milk of Dharma
法如是 |
102 |
- thus is the Dharma
- Dharma as Such
法水长流 |
法水長流 |
102 |
Dharma Water Continuously Flows
法同舍 |
102 |
Dharma abode
发愿 |
發願 |
102 |
- Make a Vow
- Making Vows
- to make a vow; praṇidhānaṃ
法座 |
102 |
Dharma seat
法号 |
法號 |
102 |
- Dharma Name
- Dharma name
法会 |
法會 |
102 |
a Dharma service; an assembly; dharma-saṃgīti
法界 |
102 |
- Dharma Realm
- a dharma realm; dharmadhatu
- tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
法门 |
法門 |
102 |
- Dharma gate
- dharmaparyāya; dharma gate; a way of teaching the Dharma; a Buddhist teaching; a Dharma door
法名 |
102 |
Dharma name
梵呗 |
梵唄 |
102 |
- Buddhist Chanting
- Buddhist hymn
- fanbei; buddhist chanting
放光 |
102 |
- to emit light
- to produce light
放焰口 |
102 |
- to feed the starving ghosts
- Yogacara Dharma Service
法器 |
102 |
- Dharma instrument
- a Dharma instrument
法水 |
102 |
- Dharma is like water
- Dharma Water
法喜 |
102 |
- Dharma joy
- Dharma joy
法音 |
102 |
- the sound of the Dharma
- Dharma Voice Magazine
法缘 |
法緣 |
102 |
- Dharma Affinity
- causes and conditions that accord with the Buddhadharma
- conditions leading to dharmas
- affinity with the Buddhadharma
焚香 |
102 |
- to burn incense
- Burning Incense
分别心 |
分別心 |
102 |
discriminating thought
佛出世 |
102 |
for a Buddha to appear in a world
佛诞节花车遊行 |
佛誕節花車遊行 |
102 |
Parade With Floats for the Buddha's Birthday
佛殿 |
102 |
a Buddhist shrine; a Buddha hall
佛弟子 |
102 |
a disciple of the Buddha
佛法僧 |
70 |
- Buddha, Dharma, Sangha
- the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha; the Triple Gem; the three treasures of Buddhism
佛法为家 |
佛法為家 |
102 |
Home Is Where the Dharma Is
佛法无边 |
佛法無邊 |
102 |
the teachings of the Buddha are boundless
佛观 |
佛觀 |
102 |
visualization of the Buddha
佛光普照 |
102 |
Buddha's Light Shines Universally
佛光人 |
102 |
Fo Guang member; Buddha's Light member
佛光山丛林学院 |
佛光山叢林學院 |
102 |
FGS Tsung-Lin University
佛光山文教基金会 |
佛光山文教基金會 |
102 |
FGS Foundation for Buddhist Culture and Education
佛光山住持 |
102 |
Head Abbot of Fo Guang Shan Monastery
佛光山宗史馆 |
佛光山宗史館 |
102 |
Historical Museum of Fo Guang Shan
佛光文化 |
102 |
Fo Guang Cultural Enterprise
佛光缘 |
佛光緣 |
102 |
Fo Guang Affinities
佛光缘滴水坊 |
佛光緣滴水坊 |
102 |
Fo Guang Yuan Water Drop Teahouse
佛力 |
102 |
the power of the Buddha; blessings of the Buddha
佛菩萨 |
佛菩薩 |
102 |
Buddhas and bodhisattvas
佛七法会 |
佛七法會 |
102 |
Seven-Day Amitabha Retreat
佛世 |
102 |
the age when the Buddha lived in the world
佛手 |
102 |
Buddha's Hands
佛说的 |
佛說的 |
102 |
what the Buddha taught
佛性 |
70 |
Buddha-nature; buddhadhatu
佛牙舍利 |
102 |
Buddha's Tooth Relic
佛缘 |
佛緣 |
70 |
- Buddha Connection
- Buddhist affinities
佛住 |
102 |
- Buddha abode
- the Buddha was staying at
佛传 |
佛傳 |
70 |
the Life of the Buddha
佛宝 |
佛寶 |
102 |
the treasure of the Buddha
佛道 |
70 |
- Buddhahood
- the Buddha Way
- Way of the Buddha
- Buddhist practice
- bodhi; enlightenment
- the path leading to enlightenment
佛化 |
102 |
- conversion through the Buddha's teachings
- Fohua
佛教历史 |
佛教歷史 |
102 |
history of Buddhism
佛教艺术 |
佛教藝術 |
102 |
Buddhist art
佛身 |
70 |
- Buddha's Body
- buddhakaya; Buddha-body
佛书 |
佛書 |
102 |
Buddhist texts; scripture
佛心 |
102 |
- Buddha’s Mind
- mind of Buddha
佛学院 |
佛學院 |
70 |
- Buddhist college; see 佛光山叢林學院
- Buddhist college
福德因缘 |
福德因緣 |
102 |
Blessing, Virtue, and the Right Causes and Conditions
福德 |
102 |
- Fortune and Virtue
- Merit and Virtue
- merit earned; reward; good fortune and good moral conduct
福田 |
102 |
- field of merit
- field of blessing
浮图 |
浮圖 |
102 |
- Buddha
- Buddha; Buddhist stupa
甘露雨 |
103 |
the ambrosial truth; the ambrosial rain; sweet Dharma rain
高僧 |
103 |
an eminent monk; a senior monk
割肉喂鹰 |
割肉餵鷹 |
103 |
cut off a piece of his own flesh to feed an eagle
根机 |
根機 |
103 |
fundamental ability
供佛 |
103 |
to make offerings to the Buddha
共生吉祥 |
103 |
Auspicious Coexistence
共修 |
103 |
Dharma service
功德主 |
103 |
- benefactor
- a benefactor
共主 |
103 |
fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha
古佛 |
103 |
former Buddhas
罣碍 |
罣礙 |
103 |
- a hindrance; an impediment
- affliction
- Hindrance
挂单 |
掛單 |
103 |
- lodging
- Get Lodging
- temporary monastic lodging; to stay overnight at a monastery
观身不净 |
觀身不淨 |
103 |
contemplate the impurities of the body
观受是苦 |
觀受是苦 |
103 |
contemplate the suffering of feelings
观想 |
觀想 |
103 |
- contemplation
- Visualize
- to contemplate; to visualize
观心无常 |
觀心無常 |
103 |
contemplate the impermanence of the mind
观法无我 |
觀法無我 |
103 |
contemplate the non-selfhood of phenomena
皈依 |
103 |
- Taking Refuge
- to convert to Buddhism; the ceremony for converting to Buddhism; to take refuge
皈依典礼 |
皈依典禮 |
103 |
a refuge ceremony
国定佛诞节暨母亲节庆祝大会 |
國定佛誕節暨母親節慶祝大會 |
103 |
National Buddha's Day and Mother's Day Celebration
国际佛光会世界总会 |
國際佛光會世界總會 |
103 |
Buddha's Light International Association World Headquarters (BLIA World Headquarters)
国际佛光会中华总会 |
國際佛光會中華總會 |
103 |
BLIA Chunghua Headquarters
国际佛教会议 |
國際佛教會議 |
103 |
International Buddhist Academic Conference
过去佛 |
過去佛 |
103 |
past Buddhas
海会 |
海會 |
104 |
- assembly of monastics
- assembly of saints
- cemetery
还没有 |
還沒有 |
104 |
absence of
海青 |
104 |
- Chanting Robe
- haiqing
好因好缘 |
好因好緣 |
104 |
Good Causes and Good Conditions
和众 |
和眾 |
104 |
saṃgha; monastic gathering
横遍十方 |
橫遍十方 |
104 |
- spanning the ten directions
- across all of space
恒沙 |
恆沙 |
104 |
- the sand of the River Ganges; as numerous as grains of sand in the River Ganges
- sands of the River Ganges
恒河沙数 |
恆河沙數 |
104 |
- the sand of the River Ganges; as numerous as grains of sand in the River Ganges
- as innumerable like the sands of the Ganges
弘法活动 |
弘法活動 |
104 |
Dharma propagation event
弘法 |
104 |
- Dharma Propagation
- to propagate Buddhist teachings; to promote the Dharma
弘法利生 |
104 |
- Propagate the Dharma to Benefit Sentient Beings
- Spreading the Dharma to benefit all sentient beings
- propagating the Dharma and benefiting sentient beings
护法信徒 |
護法信徒 |
104 |
Dharma protectors and devotees
护国 |
護國 |
104 |
Protecting the Country
护教 |
護教 |
104 |
Protecting Buddhism
化城喻品 |
104 |
The Simile of the Phantom City
化导 |
化導 |
104 |
instruct and guide
还灭 |
還滅 |
104 |
ceasing; cessation; nivṛtti
还俗 |
還俗 |
104 |
to return to secular life; to leave monastic life
欢喜地 |
歡喜地 |
104 |
- Ground of Joy
- the ground of joy
化缘 |
化緣 |
104 |
- the reason of a Buddha's or bodhisattva's coming to the world to teach
- the conditions or opportunity for transformation
- to collect alms
护法神 |
護法神 |
104 |
protector deities of Buddhist law
慧海 |
104 |
- wisdom like the ocean
- Huihai
慧命 |
104 |
- wisdom-life
- friend; brother
活菩萨 |
活菩薩 |
104 |
a living bodhisattva; a compassionate person
吉祥草 |
106 |
Auspicious Grass
偈语 |
偈語 |
106 |
the words of a chant
加持 |
106 |
- to bless
- to empower; to confer strength on; to aid
见佛 |
見佛 |
106 |
- Seeing the Buddha
- to see the Buddha
讲经 |
講經 |
106 |
- to teach the sutras
- to teach sutras
- Expounding the Dharma
教理 |
106 |
religious doctrine; dogma
教团 |
教團 |
106 |
- buddhist order; religious community; religious groups
- religious organization
教益 |
106 |
the benefits of instruction
袈裟 |
106 |
- kasaya
- kasaya; kaṣāya
- kasaya
家庭普照 |
106 |
a family Dharma service
戒律 |
106 |
- Precepts
- śīla and vinaya; precepts and rules
解门 |
解門 |
106 |
teaching in theory
接心 |
106 |
Heart-to-Heart Connection
阶位 |
階位 |
106 |
rank; position; stage
解行 |
106 |
to understand and practice
结缘 |
結緣 |
106 |
- Develop Affinities
- to develop affinity
- to form affinities; karmic affinity
金翅鸟 |
金翅鳥 |
106 |
a garuda
经本 |
經本 |
106 |
净化的 |
淨化的 |
106 |
what purifies
净化人心 |
淨化人心 |
106 |
reclaim the noble qualities of the mind
净莲 |
淨蓮 |
106 |
Pure Lotus
经律论 |
經律論 |
106 |
sutra, vinaya, and abhidharma
经忏 |
經懺 |
106 |
- chanting and repentance services
- repentance chant; ritual for blessedness and longevity
净心 |
淨心 |
106 |
- Purify the Mind
- a purified mind
金毘罗 |
金毘羅 |
106 |
kumbhira; crocodile
金身 |
106 |
golden body
进香 |
進香 |
106 |
to burn incense at a temple
觉华园 |
覺華園 |
106 |
Jetavana Grove Reception Center
觉有情 |
覺有情 |
106 |
- An Enlightened Sentient Being
- awakened sentient being
开山寮 |
開山寮 |
107 |
Founder's Hall
开元寺 |
開元寺 |
107 |
Kai Yuan Temple
肯定自我 |
107 |
have faith in ourselves
课诵 |
課誦 |
107 |
Buddhist liturgy
空有不二 |
107 |
Non-Duality of Emptiness and Existence
空无 |
空無 |
107 |
- Emptiness
- śūnyatā; emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence
空性 |
107 |
- śūnyatā; emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence
- Empty Nature
苦集灭道 |
苦集滅道 |
107 |
- Suffering, Cause, End, and Path
- the fourfold noble truth; four noble truths
苦海 |
107 |
- ocean of suffering
- sea of suffering; abyss of worldly suffering
苦行 |
107 |
- austerity
- ascetism; tapas
来生 |
來生 |
108 |
later rebirths; subsequent births
来迎 |
來迎 |
108 |
coming to greet
滥挂海单 |
濫掛海單 |
108 |
the indiscriminate housing of wandering monks
滥传戒法 |
濫傳戒法 |
108 |
the indiscriminate transmission of the precepts
老和尚 |
108 |
Elder Most Venerable
礼请 |
禮請 |
108 |
Request for Teachings
理事平等 |
108 |
equality between principle and phenomena
离苦 |
離苦 |
108 |
to transcend suffering
利人 |
108 |
to benefit people
六和敬 |
108 |
- six reverent points of harmony
- Six Points of Reverent Harmony
琉璃王 |
108 |
King Virudhaka
利益众生 |
利益眾生 |
108 |
help sentient beings
龙华 |
龍華 |
76 |
- Dragon-flower
- the three dragon-flow assemblies
落发 |
落髮 |
108 |
to shave the head
麻竹园 |
麻竹園 |
109 |
Bamboo Garden Lodge
忙就是营养 |
忙就是營養 |
109 |
regard a busy life as a nutritious one
祕法 |
109 |
esoteric ritual
妙果 |
109 |
wonderful fruit
妙心吉祥 |
109 |
- A Wondrous Mind Brings Auspiciousness
- A Wondrous Mind Brings Wealth and Good Fortune
庙祝 |
廟祝 |
109 |
acolyte in charge of incense in a temple
灭罪 |
滅罪 |
109 |
erase karma from sins
密教 |
109 |
esoteric teachings; esoteric Buddhism
明心见性 |
明心見性 |
109 |
- to realize the mind and see one's true nature
- intrinsic nature
明因识果 |
明因識果 |
109 |
Understand Causes and Recognize Effects
摩登伽女 |
109 |
untouchable woman; dalit woman
末法 |
109 |
Age of Declining Dharma; Declining Dharma; The Period of Declining of Dharma
木鱼 |
木魚 |
109 |
- wooden fish
- a wooden fish
募化 |
109 |
to collect alms; to seek donations
难遭难遇 |
難遭難遇 |
110 |
- The rarest of encounters
- opportunity seldom knocks twice
能信 |
110 |
able to believe
能行 |
110 |
ability to act
你大我小 |
110 |
you are important and I am not
你对我错 |
你對我錯 |
110 |
you are right, and I am wrong
你乐我苦 |
你樂我苦 |
110 |
you enjoy happiness, while I take on suffering
念佛 |
110 |
- to chant Buddha's name
- to recollect the Buddha; to chant the name of the Buddha
念佛会 |
念佛會 |
110 |
- Chanting Association
- a Buddhist name recitation society
念佛七 |
110 |
seven-day chanting retreat
念珠 |
110 |
- Chanting Beads
- prayer beads; rosary
尼提 |
110 |
a scavenger
你有我无 |
你有我無 |
110 |
you can have, while I keep nothing
平安福 |
112 |
Peace Is a Blessing
平安吉祥 |
112 |
- Safety and Auspiciousness
- Peaceful and Auspicious
菩提眷属 |
菩提眷屬 |
112 |
bodhi couple
菩提路 |
112 |
- Bodhi Road
- the Bodhi Path
菩提种子 |
菩提種子 |
112 |
bodhi seeds
普度 |
112 |
- universal salvation
- Pu Du
- to release all from suffering
普度众生 |
普度眾生 |
112 |
to deliver all living creatures from suffering
菩提树 |
菩提樹 |
80 |
- Bodhedrum magazine
- Bodhi Tree
- bodhi tree
蒲团 |
蒲團 |
112 |
- Cushion
- meditation mat; rush cushion
七大 |
113 |
seven elements
千佛 |
113 |
thousand Buddhas
千山万水 |
千山萬水 |
113 |
Over Mountains and Across Rivers
千喜万福 |
千喜萬福 |
113 |
Bountiful Joy and Plentiful Bliss
轻安 |
輕安 |
113 |
- Peaceful and at Ease
- at ease
- calmness; tranquillity; repose; serenity; prasrabhi; passaddhi
清修 |
113 |
Pure Practice
清规 |
清規 |
113 |
- monastic rules
- Pure Rule
器世界 |
113 |
the material world; the world of living beings; bhajanaloka
求法 |
113 |
to seek the Dharma
七贤 |
七賢 |
113 |
seven expedient means
全机 |
全機 |
113 |
entire capacity
群生 |
113 |
all living beings
人和 |
114 |
Interpersonal Harmony
人见 |
人見 |
114 |
the view of a person; view of a self
人间化 |
人間化 |
114 |
人间卫视 |
人間衛視 |
114 |
Beautiful Live Television (BLTV)
人命在呼吸间 |
人命在呼吸間 |
114 |
we can only count on a single breath
人我相 |
114 |
characteristics of the self and others
人要的 |
114 |
what is essential to humans
人人皆有佛性 |
114 |
everyone possesses the buddha-nature
人天 |
114 |
- humans and devas
- people and devas; all living things
人我 |
114 |
personality; human soul
人相 |
114 |
the notion of a person
人众 |
人眾 |
114 |
many people; crowds of people
荣誉市民 |
榮譽市民 |
114 |
1. Honorary Resident (of city, state); 2. Honorary Citizen (of country)
肉身 |
114 |
the physical body
入佛 |
114 |
to bring an image of a Buddha
如来佛 |
如來佛 |
114 |
Tathagata Buddha
入灭 |
入滅 |
114 |
- to enter into nirvana
- to enter Nirvāṇa; to pass away
入道 |
114 |
- to enter the Way
- to become a monastic
- to begin practicing Buddhism
三部 |
115 |
three divisions
三大 |
115 |
the three greatnesses; triple significance
三毒 |
115 |
three poisons; trivisa
三好 |
115 |
Three Acts of Goodness
三好校园 |
三好校園 |
115 |
Three Acts of Goodness School
三迦叶 |
三迦葉 |
115 |
the three Kāsyapa brothers
三千大千世界 |
115 |
Three Thousandfold World System; trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
三千界 |
115 |
Three Thousandfold World System; trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
三世 |
115 |
- Three Periods of Time
- past, present, and future
三坛大戒 |
三壇大戒 |
115 |
ordination; ordination ceremony for nuns and monks
三天 |
115 |
- three devas
- three days
三转法轮 |
三轉法輪 |
115 |
- Three Turnings of the Dharma Wheel
- Three Turnings of Dharma Wheel
三好运动 |
三好運動 |
115 |
- Three Acts of Goodness Campaign
- Three Benevolent Acts Campaign; Three Acts of Goodness Campaign
色身 |
115 |
- Physical Body
- the physical body; rupakaya
僧事 |
115 |
monastic affairs; monastic administration
僧团 |
僧團 |
115 |
Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
僧信二众 |
僧信二眾 |
115 |
monastic and lay assemblies
僧宝 |
僧寶 |
115 |
the jewel of the monastic community
僧侣 |
僧侶 |
115 |
- monastic
- Saṅgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
僧众 |
僧眾 |
115 |
the monastic community; the sangha
沙弥 |
沙彌 |
115 |
- sramanera
- Sramanera; a novice Buddhist monk
善导寺 |
善導寺 |
115 |
Shan Dao Temple
善恶 |
善惡 |
115 |
- good and evil
- good and evil
善美的 |
115 |
what is virtuous and beautiful
善缘好运 |
善緣好運 |
115 |
- Good Affinity Brings Good Luck
- Positive Affinities Bring Beneficial Results
上首 |
115 |
- chief; presiding elders
- foremost; pramukha
善知识 |
善知識 |
115 |
Dharma Friends; kalyāṇamitra; kalyāṇamitta; kalyanamitra
身心自在 |
115 |
Be Carefree in Body and Mind
圣谛 |
聖諦 |
115 |
paramārtha; paramārthasatya; absolute truth; supreme truth
圣法 |
聖法 |
115 |
the sacred teachings of the Buddha
圣凡 |
聖凡 |
115 |
- sage and common person
- sage and ordinary
生佛平等 |
115 |
equality between sentient beings and the Buddha
生耕致富 |
115 |
Earnest cultivation yields fruitful harvests.
昇天 |
115 |
rise to heaven
圣教 |
聖教 |
115 |
sacred teachings
生起 |
115 |
cause; arising
生住异灭 |
生住異滅 |
115 |
arising, abiding, changing and extinction of all existences
神权来控制 |
神權來控制 |
115 |
hands of divine entities
神通力 |
115 |
a spiritual power; supernatural powers; a remarkable ability; a magical power
摄受 |
攝受 |
115 |
- to receive, take in
- parigraha; to protect; to uphold; received and taken care of
舍心 |
捨心 |
115 |
equanimity; the mind of renunciation
十大受 |
115 |
ten great vows
十地 |
115 |
Ten Grounds of Bodhisattva Path; Ten Grounds; the ten grounds of the bodhisattva path; daśabhūmi
十二部经 |
十二部經 |
115 |
Twelve Divisions of Sutras; dvādaśaṅga; the twelve divisions of Buddhist literature
十二因缘 |
十二因緣 |
115 |
the twelve nidanas; the twelve nidānas; the twelve causes and conditions
世纪生春 |
世紀生春 |
115 |
Spring Joy in the New Millennium
世界佛学会考 |
世界佛學會考 |
115 |
World Buddhist Exam
十方 |
115 |
- The Ten Directions
- the ten directions
世智辩聪 |
世智辯聰 |
115 |
十二分教 |
115 |
dvādaśaṅga; the twelve divisions of Buddhist literature
十方丛林 |
十方叢林 |
115 |
- for all senior monks to be abbot
- monastery of the ten directions
十方世界 |
115 |
the worlds in all ten directions
世间法 |
世間法 |
115 |
- world law; lokadharma; lokadhamma
- Worldly Rules
施食 |
115 |
- to give food
- Food Bestowal
示现 |
示現 |
115 |
- Manifestation
- to manifest
- to manifest; to display
狮子吼 |
獅子吼 |
115 |
- Lion’s Roar
- Lion's Roar
- lion’s roar
寿山佛学院 |
壽山佛學院 |
115 |
Shou Shan Buddhist College
受持读诵 |
受持讀誦 |
115 |
receive and recite
竖穷三际 |
豎窮三際 |
115 |
across all time
说好话 |
說好話 |
115 |
- speak good words
- speak good words
四大名山 |
115 |
Four Great Mountains
四大菩萨 |
四大菩薩 |
115 |
four great bodhisattvas
四大宗旨 |
115 |
four objectives (of Fo Guang Shan)
四法界 |
115 |
four dharma realms
四给 |
四給 |
115 |
Four Givings
四句偈 |
115 |
a four line gatha
四念处 |
四念處 |
115 |
- the four bases of mindfulness
- The Four Bases of Mindfulness
四摄法 |
四攝法 |
115 |
the four means of embracing
四圣谛 |
四聖諦 |
115 |
the fourfold noble truth; four noble truths
四无量心 |
四無量心 |
115 |
four immeasurables; four immeasurable minds; four immeasurable states of mind; brahmavihāra-niddesa
四姓 |
115 |
four castes
四众 |
四眾 |
115 |
the fourfold assembly; the four communities
寺中 |
115 |
within a temple
诵经 |
誦經 |
115 |
- to chant sutras
- to chant sutras
素斋谈禅 |
素齋談禪 |
115 |
A Discussion of Ch'an Over a Vegetarian Meal
随缘 |
隨緣 |
115 |
- Follow Conditions
- to accord with conditions
- to act in accordance with causes and conditions
随喜 |
隨喜 |
115 |
- to rejoice [in the welfare of others]
- anumodana; admiration
所藏 |
115 |
the thing stored
所行 |
115 |
actions; practice
台湾佛教讲习会 |
台灣佛教講習會 |
116 |
Taiwan Buddhist Seminar
台湾佛教 |
台灣佛教 |
116 |
- Buddhism Taiwan
- Taiwanese Buddhism
- Buddhism in Taiwan
贪瞋痴 |
貪瞋痴 |
116 |
- greed, hatred, and ignorance
- desire, anger, and ignorance
- desire, anger, and ignorance; three poisons
檀讲师 |
檀講師 |
116 |
- lay teacher
- Lay Dharma Teacher
体大 |
體大 |
116 |
great in substance
天龙 |
天龍 |
116 |
all devas, dragons, and other dieties; the eight kinds of demigods
天龙八部 |
天龍八部 |
116 |
eight kinds of demigods
天下一家 |
116 |
One World, One Family
添油香 |
116 |
to make a donation
剃度出家 |
116 |
听法 |
聽法 |
116 |
to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
同体大悲 |
同體大悲 |
116 |
a unified body with great compassion
徒众 |
徒眾 |
116 |
a group of disciples
徒众讲习会 |
徒眾講習會 |
116 |
Monastic Seminar
退转 |
退轉 |
116 |
parihāṇi; to regress; to degenerate
外缘 |
外緣 |
119 |
- External Conditions
- external causes
万法 |
萬法 |
119 |
myriad phenomena; all things
晚课 |
晚課 |
119 |
evening chanting
万寿园 |
萬壽園 |
119 |
- Longevity Memorial Park
- Longevity Park
万字 |
萬字 |
119 |
往生 |
119 |
- to be reborn
- a future life
万劫 |
萬劫 |
119 |
ten thousand kalpas
卫教 |
衛教 |
119 |
Defending Buddhism
为信徒添油香 |
為信徒添油香 |
119 |
Contribute to our devotees, not the other way round
维那 |
維那 |
119 |
- karmadana
- weinuo; karmadana; vinaya master; discipline master
唯心 |
119 |
cittamātra; mind-only
闻法 |
聞法 |
119 |
to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
我见 |
我見 |
119 |
the view of a self
我是佛 |
119 |
- I am a buddha
- I am a buddha
我所 |
119 |
- my; mama
- conception of possession; mamakāra
我相 |
119 |
the notion of a self
我有 |
119 |
the illusion of the existence of self
我爱 |
我愛 |
119 |
我身 |
119 |
I; myself
我事 |
119 |
五比丘 |
119 |
five monastics
五戒 |
119 |
the five precepts
无量光 |
無量光 |
119 |
- infinite light
- infinite light; apramāṇābha
无门 |
無門 |
119 |
Non-Existing Gate
五明 |
119 |
five sciences; mastery of the five sciences; five kinds of wisdom
无明烦恼 |
無明煩惱 |
119 |
无生法忍 |
無生法忍 |
119 |
- patient acceptance in the truth of no rebirth
- Tolerance of Non-Arising Dharmas
无云 |
無雲 |
119 |
without clouds
无住生心 |
無住生心 |
119 |
Non-Abiding Mind
五百年 |
119 |
five hundred years
西来意 |
西來意 |
120 |
- the purpose of coming to the West
- the purpose of coming from the West
戏论 |
戲論 |
120 |
- mental proliferation
- meaningless talk; frivolous discourse; mutual false praise; inflated conceptualization; prapañca; prapanca; papañca
下乡弘法 |
下鄉弘法 |
120 |
Countryside Dharma Propagation
献供 |
獻供 |
120 |
想佛 |
120 |
contemplate the Buddha
香光 |
120 |
Fragrant Light
祥和欢喜 |
祥和歡喜 |
120 |
Harmony and Happiness
小沙弥 |
小沙彌 |
120 |
新佛教 |
120 |
new Buddhist
信解行证 |
信解行證 |
120 |
- Faith, Understanding, Practice, and Attainment
- the four stages of practice
心开意解 |
心開意解 |
120 |
All Queries Resolved and Knots Untangled
心量 |
120 |
- Magnanimity
- capacity
心灵加油站 |
心靈加油站 |
120 |
spiritual service center
心想 |
120 |
thoughts of the mind; thought
心香 |
120 |
A Fragrant Mind
信心门 |
信心門 |
120 |
The Gate of Faith
行佛 |
120 |
Practice the Buddha's Way
行脚托钵 |
行腳托缽 |
120 |
- alms procession
- alms procession
行脚云游 |
行腳雲遊 |
120 |
a wandering mendicant; a roaming monk
行门 |
行門 |
120 |
- teaching in practice
- Buddhist practice
行仪 |
行儀 |
120 |
心所 |
120 |
a mental factor; caitta
信众 |
信眾 |
120 |
胸怀法界 |
胸懷法界 |
120 |
Embrace the Dharma Realm in the Mind
胸量 |
120 |
修心 |
120 |
- Cultivating the Mind
- to cultivate one's mind
学佛 |
學佛 |
120 |
to learn from the Buddha
虚空之中 |
虛空之中 |
120 |
inside the great void
宴坐 |
121 |
sitting meditation; to meditate in seclusion
业力 |
業力 |
121 |
- karmic effect
- the power of karma
业报 |
業報 |
121 |
- karmic retribution
- karmic retribution; cause and effect; ripening of actions; karma and results; karmaphala; karmavipāka
业障 |
業障 |
121 |
- karmic hindrance
- a karmic obstruction
一法 |
121 |
one dharma; one thing
一佛 |
121 |
one Buddha
义工的义工 |
義工的義工 |
121 |
a volunteer's volunteer
仪轨 |
儀軌 |
121 |
ritual; ritual manual
一会 |
一會 |
121 |
one assembly; one meeting
以戒为师 |
以戒為師 |
121 |
- to treat the precepts as one's teacher
- to treat the precepts as their teacher
一念 |
121 |
- one thought
- one moment; one instant
- one thought
一以贯之 |
一以貫之 |
121 |
Be Consistent
一只眼 |
一隻眼 |
121 |
single eye
一句 |
121 |
- a sentence
- a single verse; a single word
因缘具足 |
因緣具足 |
121 |
All Causes and Conditions Present
因地 |
121 |
- causative stage
- the circumstances of place
应化 |
應化 |
121 |
- manifestation in response
- nirmita
迎请 |
迎請 |
121 |
to invite
因果报应 |
因果報應 |
121 |
- karmic retribution
- cause, effect, and results
音声 |
音聲 |
121 |
sound; noise
因时 |
因時 |
121 |
the circumstances of time
因缘果报 |
因緣果報 |
121 |
- Causes, Conditions, and Effects
- the law of karma
一期 |
121 |
- a date; a fixed time
- a lifetime
- one moment of time
一切众生 |
一切眾生 |
121 |
- all sentient beings
- all beings
一音 |
121 |
- one sound; the sound of the Buddha
- one voice
用斋 |
用齋 |
121 |
有您真好 |
121 |
It’s Good to Have You
有无 |
有無 |
121 |
existent and non-existent/ having identity and emptiness
友有四品 |
121 |
four kinds of friends
有法 |
121 |
something that exists
遊戏 |
遊戲 |
121 |
to be free and at ease
有缘 |
有緣 |
121 |
- having karmic affinity; having a karmic connection
- to have a cause, link, or connection
圆满自在 |
圓滿自在 |
121 |
Wholeness and Freeness
怨敌 |
怨敵 |
121 |
an enemy
圆寂 |
圓寂 |
121 |
- perfect rest
- perfect rest; to pass away
愿力 |
願力 |
121 |
- the power of a vow
- Power of Vow
缘起 |
緣起 |
121 |
- Dependent Origination
- dependent origination; conditioned origination; dependent arising
缘起性空 |
緣起性空 |
121 |
- Dependent Origination and Empty Nature
- dependently arising and intrinsically empty
圆融 |
圓融 |
121 |
- Perfect Harmony
- yuanrong; interdependence; consumate interfusion; interpenetration
缘中 |
緣中 |
121 |
the place at which the mind is centered
云居楼 |
雲居樓 |
121 |
Cloud Dwelling Building
云水 |
雲水 |
121 |
- cloud and water
- a wandering mendicant; a roaming monk
云水僧 |
雲水僧 |
121 |
a wandering mendicant; a roaming monk
云水书车 |
雲水書車 |
121 |
Cloud and Water Mobile Library Trucks
云遊 |
雲遊 |
121 |
to travel freely
藏经 |
藏經 |
122 |
Buddhist canon
赞歎 |
讚歎 |
122 |
早课 |
早課 |
122 |
morning chanting
长者子 |
長者子 |
122 |
the son of an elder
真常 |
122 |
- true constant
- Zhen Chang
真谛 |
真諦 |
122 |
- truth
- Paramartha; Paramartha; Paramārtha; Paramartha
- paramartha; paramārtha; paramārthasatya / absolute truth; supreme truth
正念 |
122 |
- Right Mindfulness
- right mindfulness
证悟 |
證悟 |
122 |
- Attainment
- to awaken [to the Truth]
- experiential understanding of the truth; to understand reality; to perceive through meditation
正信 |
122 |
- Right Faith
- proper belief
正行 |
122 |
right action
真如门 |
真如門 |
122 |
the gate of suchness; the teaching of tathatā
志开上人 |
志開上人 |
122 |
Venerable Master Zhi Kai
直心 |
122 |
- a straightforward mind
- Direct
执着 |
執著 |
122 |
- attachment
- grasping
中道 |
122 |
- Middle Way
- the middle way
中壢圆光寺 |
中壢圓光寺 |
122 |
Yuan Guang Buddhist Temple
众学 |
眾學 |
122 |
monastic community study; study for monastic living
众生随类各得解 |
眾生隨類各得解 |
122 |
all sentient beings gain comprehension in their own way
中有 |
122 |
an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸法 |
諸法 |
122 |
all things; all dharmas
诸佛 |
諸佛 |
122 |
Buddhas; all Buddhas
助念 |
122 |
Assistive Chanting
诸事 |
諸事 |
122 |
all things; everything
诸事圆满 |
諸事圓滿 |
122 |
- May All Things Go Perfectly Well
- May Everything Go Perfectly for You
诸天 |
諸天 |
122 |
助缘 |
助緣 |
122 |
- Supporting Conditions
- supportive conditions
住众 |
住眾 |
122 |
转识成智 |
轉識成智 |
122 |
the four kinds of wisdom
住持 |
122 |
- 1. Abbot (male); 2. Abbess (female)
- the abbot of a monastery; the director of a monastery
- to uphold the Dharma
主事 |
122 |
heads of affairs
驻锡 |
駐錫 |
122 |
to go on a journey
自度度人 |
122 |
liberate ourselves and others
自觉教育 |
自覺教育 |
122 |
education of self-awareness
自性 |
122 |
- Self-Nature
- intrinsic nature; original nature; essential nature; svabhava
- primordial matter; nature; prakṛti
宗教对话 |
宗教對話 |
122 |
Religious Dialogue
宗教融和 |
122 |
interfaith harmony
祖庭 |
122 |
ancestral temple
尊重与包容 |
尊重與包容 |
122 |
Respect and Tolerance
做法会 |
做法會 |
122 |
to hold a Dharma service
作佛事 |
122 |
do as taught by the Buddha
做好事 |
122 |
- do good deeds
- do good deeds
做中学 |
做中學 |
122 |
1. learning through doing; 2. learning through experience
做自己的贵人 |
做自己的貴人 |
122 |
be your own mentor